Baltic Open (Geo) Data Hackathon 2016
Je to sice kousek z ruky, ale pokud jste ještě nebyli v Lotyšsku a chcete si udělat výlet, tak proč to nespojit s Baltic Open (Geo) Data Hackathon 2016. Akce se koná 16. – 18. března v Rize a organizátoři na svém webu píší toto:
„The importance of open data and open geodata is increasing. But the potential of open (geo) data has not been fully exploited. This is true in most parts of Europe including the Baltic Region. Similar conditions relate also to the software tools helping to collect, manipulate and publish such data. There is a need to address these challenges and where possible to improve this situation. For this reason, the Baltic Open (Geo) Data Hackathon is organised.
In order to prove the potential of open (geo) data, your contributions, expertise and knowledge are needed! Identify possibilities of open (geo) data exploitation, pitch new ideas, promote your data, re-use available open (geo) data & software technologies to create new data, software, apps, or visualisations. Provide the proposals/expectations for the hackathon. And, last but not least, meet new people and spent three wonderful days in Riga.“
Mimo zajímavý program připravili i vtipnou vizualizaci stavu mnoha programátorů…