Jedeme i díky Vám

Závěrečná konference projektu EduChange

Organizátoři projektu EduChange, který se zaměřuje na inovativní metody (virtuální realitu, geohry, využití GIS) ve výuce o dopadech klimatické změny, zvou na závěrečnou konferenci. Konference se bude konat 29. června v Olomouci. Dopolední program bude probíhat i online (viz program níže) a odpolední program budou naplňovat praktické workshopy a neformální síťování. Vzhledem k tomu, že minimálně dopolední část akce bude probíhat v anglickém jazyce, je pozvánka níže v angličtině. 

Účast na konferenci je zdarma, jen je potřeba se registrovat na tomto odkaze!

EduChange final conference (29th June 2020) serves as a multiplier event, where we planned to share the results of our project with the international audience. Due to the Covid-19 we are unable to organise a truly international event in Olomouc, but we decided to have the final conference as a „blended“ event. This means, that first part – morning sessions will be streamed online (in English), and the second part – afternoon sessions, will be only in Olomouc as practical workshops (in Czech).

The objective of the event is to share project outcomes more widely with interested stakeholders outside of the Project group. The conference also serves as a platform for developing future ideas of mobile informal learning in higher education.

Important details:

Date – 29th June 2020
Location – Fortress of knowledge, Olomouc.
Registration: participation at the conference is free, you just need to register here.
Accommodation: In case you need us to arrange accommodation, please contact

9:00 – official welcome and conference opening
9:15 – Keynote lecture (also online) – topic to be confirmed
10:00 – 12:00 – session of short lectures by the EduChange team (also online)
12:00 – 13:30 – lunch in the premises
13:30 – 15:00 – practical workshops (in Olomouc only) – two rounds of workshops
– Usability of VR in geography education
– Mobile apps for data collection
– Boardgame as a tool for climate change education
– Anthropocene
– more to be announced
15:00 – 15:30 – coffee break
15:30 – 16:00 – Closing of the conference (also online)
16:00 – 22:00 – informal networking, dinner (from 18:00), social events.

