9th International Student and Early Career Conference NEW WAVE (pozvánka)
V Praze se letos koná již devátý ročník konference pro doktorandy a mladé vědce v oblasti geověd, níže je pozvánka (v angličtině, protože celá konference je v angličtině). Návštěva určitě stojí za to!
Traditionally, the NEW WAVE conference draws graduate and post-graduate students, as well as young professionals from the fields of physical and social geography, cartography, demography and related disciplines to share and discuss their research in a friendly and open-minded atmosphere with an international audience.
You can find the first call for papers attached.
We encourage you to submit complete session proposals, individual papers or posters. The deadline for abstract submission is 15th March, 2017.
The registration form is available here: http://bit.ly/NWregistration
For more details please see our conference website: https://www.natur.cuni.cz/geography/newwave/new-wave-2017