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Bentley studentská soutěž v designu pro rok 2013Bentley 2013 Student Design Competition

Stejně jako v loňském roce připravila společnost Bentley Systems další ročník studentské soutěže o nejlepší design. Soutěž je otevřena všem studentům středních i vysokých škol, za použití softwaru od firmy Bentley. Práce mají být zaslány společně s krátkým textem, který bude vysvětlovat samotnou práci (text musí být v anglickém jazyce, pozn. redakce). Uzávěrka soutěže je 5. dubna 2013 a firma Bentley ocení vítěze každé kategorie částkou ve výši 2000 USD pro vysoké školy a 1500 USD pro studenty středních škol.

Pro letošní rok bylo vybráno pět kategorií pro studenty vysokých škol:

  • „Architectural Design”
  • “Road or Bridge Design”
  • “Rendering Using MicroStation”
  • “Engineering”
  • “Solving a Problem With GIS Technology”

Pro studenty středních škol byla zvolena kategorie “Design an Efficient Retail Center” .

Vítězové/vítězné týmy si budou také moci vybrat 10 libovolných licencí produktů firmy Bentley Systems pro jejich školy. Více informací naleznete na stránkách soutěže. V loňském roce se sice žádný český ani slovenský návrh neumístil na prvních příčkách, ale za zmíňku stojí vítězství polského návrhu v kategorii design cest a mostů.

Program Awards Winning Students Scholarships for Creating Technically Advanced Projects and Recognizes the Achievements of Educators and Mentors

EXTON, Pa., U.S.A. – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, today announced that the call for submissions in Bentley’s 2013 Student Design Competition, sponsored by Be Careers Network, a continuous learning initiative of Bentley Institute, is now open. University, college, high school, and technical school students are invited to submit projects designed using Bentley software, along with a short essay describing their work. Project submissions will be judged by an independent panel of distinguished educational leaders and industry professionals from around the world. The judges will focus on creativity and skill in applying design and engineering principles. The competition welcomes individual and team efforts comprising no more than three members. All submissions must be received by April 5, 2013. Bentley will award a $2,000 scholarship to the winning individual or team in each of the categories at the college/university level, and a $1,500 scholarship to the winning individual or team at the high school/technical school level.

“As engineers with years of experience enter retirement, infrastructure organizations around the globe seek new talent with knowledge of advanced information modeling software to design, build, and operate better-performing, more sustainable infrastructure,” said Scott Lofgren, global director of Be Careers Network. “The Student Design Competition is one of the many ways in which our Be Careers Network encourages high school students to explore careers in the infrastructure professions, and helps university and college students who have already selected this career path acquire the commercial software skills they’ll need to secure employment upon graduation.”

University, college, or community college students can submit projects in one of five categories: “Architectural Design,” “Road or Bridge Design,” “Rendering Using MicroStation,” “Engineering,” and “Solving a Problem With GIS Technology.” High school and technical school students can participate in the “Design an Efficient Retail Center” category. Submissions in each category must make clear the project’s problem, intent, and solution, and support the design models with architectural or engineering drawings using any of the applications in Bentley’s comprehensive portfolio of software for sustaining infrastructure.

Students, along with their winning projects, will be recognized at their respective schools. Each winner or winning team will receive a handcrafted award for display at school. Winners and winning teams will also be able to choose 10 seats of Bentley software – from the more than 50 products available through the academic subscription – for use by their schools.

For additional information about the submission process or to fill out a submission form, visit
