Vyhrajte výlet na konferenci State of the Map 2011 v Denveru, USAWIN a FREE trip to State of the Map 2011 in Denver, USA
Vytvořte zajímavé, unikátní a vtipné video co je pro Vás OpenStreetMap a když budete mít štěstí vyhrajete výlet na konferenci State of the Map 2011 v Americkém Denveru. Video by mělo mít 1-3 minuty a obsahovat vysvětlení, proč byste měl/a jet na State of the Map 2011. Více informací naleznete zde. Uzáverka je 8. července 2011.Starting today you have an awesome chance to win a FREE trip to State of the Map in Denver!
Create a fun and unique video about what OpenStreetMap means to you and why you should be chosen and you could be the lucky winner!
Here are the details:
Create a 1-3 minute video with the following criteria to guide you:
1. The video should be fun, unique and show what OpenStreetMap means to you.
2. Explain why we should choose you to be at State of the Map 2011!
3. Normal necessities and niceties: No vulgar language, No nudity, No animal cruelty
4. Video must have CC, CC-BY or CC-BY-SA licensing
5. Post your video to YouTube.com with the hash symbol: #sotm11
6. Email your submission (plus link to video) to video@stateofthemap.org.
Hint: Promote your video on twitter, blogs, FaceBook, etc to get more views!
The competition is open now until July 8th, 2011 11:59pm PST.
Winner will be announced by July 15th, 2011. Winner will be chosen by a combination of video popularity and by the SotM organizing committee.