Výroční ocenění “Academic Excellence” v INSPIRE komunitě Annual Award for Academic Excellence within the INSPIRE community
CEN/TC 287 vyhlašuje výroční ocenění “Academic Excellence” v INSPIRE komunitě pro studenty z Evropských institucí. Toto ocenění, letos již v druhém ročníku, se zaměřuje na propagaci akademického výzkumu v oblasti interoperability geoprostorových dat a informací. Vítěz získá cenu ve výši 2000 EUR a jeho/její mentor/školitel obdrží 1000 EUR. Více informací naleznete zde.
The CEN/TC 287 Annual Award for Academic Excellence within the INSPIRE community welcomes applications from students attending academic institutions within Europe. This award, now in its second year, aims to promote academic excellence within the European geospatial community, specifically in development of interoperability standards. CEN/TC 287 seeks to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of students and their mentors in the area of geospatial interoperability and data sharing. The award is open to all students undertaking a development or research project in geospatial information. The successful candidate with the winning submission will receive 2000 EUR. The student mentor will receive 1000 EUR. This year the award is sponsored by SPARX SYSTEMS Pty Ltd. You can find more information here.